How did I get here?

As a child, I loved watching T.V., my favorite animal was a dolphin, and neon green was my favorite color. At one point, I wanted to be a pop star and write all of my own lyrics. This is what I remember from my early childhood. From my childhood's chaos, I found peace in my crayons, paper, tiny little hands, and vivid imagination. I've always loved to create, but a big part of me, even so young, always relied on creating for survival- for a sense of security or love or for things to one day be okay. The experiences I had in my early childhood are what have brought me to where I am today. Isn't that true for all of us?

In high school, I found passion and inspiration in creating artwork that mattered to me and took photography classes that I enjoyed. From this and many character-building experiences in my youth, I started to understand how important creating was to me and the world I would grow up in. From there, I didn't stop creating art and sharing it with others. I hoped that my gift of creating beauty and noticing beauty in the world around me despite its known corruption would one day help open the hearts of the inner child in everyone. 

I started primarily creating with oil pastels and using acrylic paint on canvas. I shared my art on Instagram beginning in 2021. As I delved deeper into the realm of photography in high school, I enjoyed taking portraits the most and took senior portraits for my friends. Making multi-exposures and collages was also really fun for me. I received multiple amazing mentorship opportunities through Photo Opp, an incredible organization in Appleton, Wisconsin, that provides the community with many creative possibilities. 

Lately, I've been making and sharing digital creations that combine multiple media (and often pictures of cows) to express different ideas. They're my diary entries. Take a peek at my diary page.

Sometimes I’m an unreliable narrator, sometimes I’m satirical, sometimes I’m not here at all. Everything is playful.

I would like to be an artist, a photographer, a poet, a songwriter, a philosopher, a traveler, a ghost, a wanderer, a historian, a light. There is so much I want to learn. One day, I want to live in an old house with a bountiful garden and chickens outside. 

My art uniquely speaks to the kids of my generation. I think many of us are yearning for a life we don’t feel like we have to escape from. We can build that!

If you'd like to get in touch with me, visit my contact page! I’d love to talk to you.

My favorites: